Making slime has become a huge trend among youth and adults alike. A’Livia Lymon discovered the joys of making slime when she was only 9 and had recently held the highest GPA in school.

“I think I saw it on YouTube,” she said. After she learned how to make slime, A’Livia’s talent for the fun goop was all the craze in the classroom. The academic honors she received motivated her to go further and become the prime slime source for her peers.

“I wanted to be an inspiration to other kids,” she said.

It soon became clear to her mother, Courtney, that A’Livia’s ability to move slime had wider potential.

“I didn’t realize at first that we had a business here,” Courtney said. “She was selling it to friends and family and, you know, taking out her own orders.”

It was around February of 2019 that Courtney realized slime was really popular. “I asked her if she wanted to start a business, and of course she said yes.” After adding more products to A’Livia’s line, the business took off from there.

Courtney and her father, Joe McWilliams, helped A’Livia start Witty Kid Slime and Entertainment by establishing a limited liability corporation and creating an ecommerce-enabled website.

The name of the business comes from A’Livia’s personality. “The name fits because she’s such a witty kid,” Courtney told us. The ‘Entertainment’ part of the company’s name refers to entertainment packages for birthday parties, book clubs, play dates and other events.

They even have social media business profiles on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook to bring slime and fun to many customers.

Now 12 years old, A’Livia is pulling in between $1,200 and $1,800 per month with Witty Kid Slime and Entertainment, her mother says. She isx starting to get noticed; A’Livia was the first kid entrepreneur to receive “The Young Entrepreneur Award“ from Tuskegee University at their Booker T. Washington Economic Development Summit in September of 2019.

A’Livia admits that she gets help running the slime shop and entertainment business from her parents. However, she does a great portion of operations on her own.

When asked, A’Livia confessed that she was surprised that the business was so successful. “I didn’t know I could make something big from selling slime.”

Now having tasted success, A’Livia has ambitious goals to become a businesswoman. “I want my slime to be sold at Walmart, Target and stores like that, and I want my slime to be sold in different countries.”

As one might expect for someone who sells a lot of slime, she has a flair for marketing. In a recent video on YouTube, she and her cousin teach viewers how to make slime. And the dance moves she and her cousin do among the lessons are just as entertaining.

What a great business idea! Maybe you can create your own slime factory one day. If you aren’t sure that slime is the business for you, take our Business Idea Quiz for some cool money-making ideas!