Want to boost and promote your brand or business?

“Run a giveaway,” they said. “It will be fun!” they said. But to quote another common saying, “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.”

Unfortunately, that recently happened at a giveaway event in New York hosted by a popular Twitch streamer. Here’s what happened and what important lessons you can learn from the situation.

What happened at the Kai Cenat giveaway?

A few weeks ago, popular Twitch streamer Kai Cenat announced on Twitch that he would give away free video game consoles, headphones and other related products to at least some of his followers. (FYI: Twitch is an interactive livestreaming service for content including gaming, entertainment, sports, music, and more.)

The giveaway was set for August 4, 2023 at Union Square in New York City. Hundreds of Kai’s followers showed up early for the event, and the crowd quickly got out of control before Kai arrived.

That afternoon, some people in the crowd reportedly threw garbage, tore down barricades, blocked traffic and caused chaos in the streets that afternoon. The New York Police Department called for 1,000 officers to intervene, according to CBS News.

In a Twitch livestream after the incident, Kai said he was “beyond disappointed in anybody who became disruptive that day. The incident resulted in 65 arrests, nearly half of which were people under 18 years old, CBS News reported.

A few police officers and people in the crowd were also injured at the event. Kai was facing a felony charge and two misdemeanors (at the time this blog post was written).

5 Tips to Run a Fun (and Safe) Giveaway for Your Customers

So, what can entrepreneurs like you learn from this Twitch streamer’s situation, especially if you’re thinking of doing your own giveaway or contest?

1. Consider doing an online or virtual giveaway.
An effective way to keep your customers physically safe while hoping to win a freebie is to host a giveaway or contest on social media (i,e,: Facebook Live, YouTube video, etc.) or with another online platform.

You can offer an exciting prize, promote the giveaway event online, host the event and pick a winner. And everyone involved can have a good time from the safety of their homes.

Keep reading if you want to do a giveaway event in person, especially if you run a local or location-based business.

2. Consider having an indoor event.
Think about local places within or near your city/town where you can host an indoor event for your customers. Also, reach out to anyone you know who may have access to local places such as community centers, local meeting places, etc.

See if you can partner with a local business or local organization to lower or negotiate the price for using the indoor space.

3. Have your customers register or sign up for free tickets to the event.
Consider having customers who want to be part of the giveaway register online (such as on your website) for tickets to your event, even if the event is free.

This can help with crowd control and give you a better idea of how many people might show up for your giveaway event.

4. Consider crowd control.
Speaking of crowd control, think of ways that you can control the number of people who show up for your event.

Keep in mind how many people your indoor space can hold. Ask friends and family to help your customers or followers as they arrive for the event (checking online/print tickets, giving directions, asking questions, etc.).

You could even ask about any security options for your event.

For example, is your meeting place in an area that already has security employees who regularly patrol the area?

5. Consider your audience’s lifestyle.
Keep in mind the age and typical day of your average customer. For example, if your business and your giveaway prize appeals to kids or teens, then avoid having a giveaway event during school hours.

Final Thoughts on Running a Great Giveaway
There are powerful advantages to promoting your business with a giveaway or a contest. Offering great prizes that your ideal audience loves can introduce your business to new customers, reward your current loyal customers, and/or grow your email list of subscribers, among other things. But the recent chaotic giveaway hosted by Twitch influencer Kai Cenat shows that even the best intentions can go wrong.

Keep these 5 tips in mind to run a giveaway:

  1. Consider an online or virtual giveaway.
  2. Think about having a giveaway in an indoor space.
  3. Have your customers register online for free tickets to your event.
  4. Consider crowd control.
  5. Think about your audience’s lifestyle.

Using these tips will help you run a successful giveaway where everyone has fun and, more importantly, stays safe while helping your customers feel more connected to your business or your brand.

Photo by Don Agnello on Unsplash