Are you looking for a job with limited hours and the potential to bank some substantial cash?  Maybe becoming a  “Juicer” will be the perfect match for you? Juicers work in the micro-mobility business sectors. Micro-mobility businesses create small footprint modes of transportation, like E-scooters and E-bikes.  Without a doubt, you may make some cash in this field, but moreover, you would also be working in an industry that furthers green environmental practice. Green environmental practices are good for everyone!

It is important to note, the micro-mobility markets have seen plenty of changes since COVID-19  swept through our world. Before the word COVID became a household phrase, we saw E-scooters and other alternative forms of commuter rentals booming. Then COVID quarantine closures brought all forms of commuter traffic to a literal standstill.  The lack of commuters caused these businesses to shut down.

In contrast, now that COVID vaccines are available in most countries, economists believe these green forms of transportation are on the verge of a major comeback. Additionally, the global commitment to a greener future has many cities around the world creating new walking, bicycle and E-scooter lanes for pedestrians, as well as micro-mobility traffic. Futures for this industry are believed to be big. Some, are forecasting gains of 9%-12% over pre-pandemic levels in the aftermath of COVID.

New E-scooter companies have emerged. Lime morphed into one of the world’s largest and quickest expansions. Now Lime is present in more than 142 countries globally. This global presence helped Lime surge to the front of the pack for rentals. Following quickly on Lime’s heels is Spin. Spin is a scooter rental company that tried to stand out by putting an emphasis on safety. Other Spin incentives included discounts for low-income earners and discounts for foldable safety helmets.

These new companies were joining the field alongside veteran companies like the well-established Bird rental company, which kept its prominence by being one of the few to allow long term rental options.

Companies like Razor, Lyft and Scoot were cutting their teeth into American markets while Voi was expanding around Europe. Wind took a cue from Spin and started renting its scooters with a free helmet.

What is a “Juicer”?

While E-scooter renters can drop the scooters off anywhere – a “juicer” has to pick them up, charge them and bring them back to a designated drop off area. If you can drive and have a car (or have access to one and someone to drive you), that “juicer” could be you.


  • Assuming you already have a vehicle or access to one, this business can be quickly and easily started. The only other equipment needed is a smartphone and a place to charge the scooters.
  • Does not take a lot of skills – just moderate knowledge of a smartphone.
  • The work schedule is highly flexible.
  • Pay depends on the hours you put in and can be lucrative.


  • E-scooters are not available in every city.
  • Where they are available, it can be competitive.
  • You must be able to get paid by direct deposit to a bank account.
  • You must have space in your home to charge the scooters overnight or access a community based charging hub.
  • In some cities, E-scooters are controversial because of safety concerns and – depending on where you live – the scooters may come under strict regulations that may curtail use.

Where to charge: 
Depending on the company you juice for; you may have to purchase their charger elements for your home at a nominal start cost. Most juicers start by charging the scooters in their homes. For some people, limited space at home reduced how many units one individual could charge at a time. However, E-scooter company Lime addressed this challenge by creating centralized docking stations around towns for juicers to bring the retrieved scooters to. Lime reduced the chance of juicers not getting paid by making some changes in their app that allows a juicer to mark a scooter for designated pick up. This worked much better, otherwise, there were multiple juicers trying to retrieve the same scooter at the same time.

Unfortunately, Lime says the juicers will have to pay a charge for use of their charging stations. The good news is that the stations are designed so a juicer may charge a great many more scooters at the same time. This means more money in your pocket.

How to get started:
NOTE: Before you start your business, you should read the page on this website entitled “things to think about before you start a business.” Then decide which company seems to be the best match in your area and get connected with them.

E-scooters are now available all across the United States and many countries around the world. The electric scooters are billed as a ride-sharing service that is economical, convenient and good for the environment.

How much will you make?
Companies pay an average of $5-$7 per scooter for charging. Most juicers are averaging between $45-$95 after charging fees, as cash in their pocket for an after rush hour round-up. Consider if you do this in the morning and the evening, there is potential for this to be a really lucrative business.

Future considerations:
The micro-mobility markets are anticipated to grow and thrive in the coming years. Many of these companies are currently focusing efforts on safety concerns. Industry-identified safety issues, such as renters driving the scooters on sidewalks and traveling at too high a rate of speed for pedestrians and other micro-mobility traffic, need to be addressed.

Manufacturers have begun to respond to these issues with a variety of safety designs. Improvements include the development of artificial intelligence (AI) hardware built into the scooters. This AI tech works in tandem with micro-cameras and speed throttlers. Cameras will read surroundings for obstacles and automatically reduce speed as necessary.

Companies are also using vibration detection to determine if someone is travelling on sidewalks. If the sensor detects vibration consistent with improper use, it will prompt the rider via the LCD screen, to proceed to designated lanes. E-scooter operations will continue to become safer as these innovations grow.  With these new measures, the hope is that local authorities are willing to support their use in the communities. This means market stabilisation and as a result, job security for juicers.

Taking it to the next level:
If you really want to take advantage of this booming market, consider becoming a future charging station owner or perhaps you may want to have your own fleet of E-scooters.

Discussions have included selling advertising right on the scooters themselves. Advertising in the form of coupon codes for coffee or fast food items with rentals.

Media reports agree that E-scooter charging can become quite competitive in some areas as more people become juicers. If this job appeals to you, why not try to get a few friends together and form an alliance – you can hunt for the scooters as a team and split the proceeds. The idea is that, if one of you has a bad day, you would still make money as long as some members of the team have a good day.

That’s the way animals hunt on the plains of Africa, it seems to work for them!

Photo from Nhat V. Meyer/Bay Area News Group