You’ve finally made a decision — you’re going to start your own business. Great! But there are some things to consider before you start making to-do lists, finding customers and all the other things you need to do to get ready.

Here are three questions entrepreneurs can ask before opening a business.

1. Why am I starting a business?
Being a young entrepreneur sounds like a great idea. But running a business isn’t always as fun as it looks on social media and in other parts of society.

Your family members, friends, and (hopefully) some of your customers are going to wonder about why you want to be a young entrepreneur. So, you might as well prepare your answer to this question now.

2. Do I have time to run a business?
Starting and building a business takes patience and time. Think about your usual day and your weekly schedule. For example, do you have a lot of tests or school projects that are due this week or next week?

Write or type your daily schedule for a week and look for when you can and when you cannot work on running a business.

3. Who is the perfect customer for my business?
There’s not one business that can help everyone. Most businesses help certain groups of people.

Imagine someone buying your product or service. Think about why this person decided to buy from you. Consider their interests and hobbies. Write or type a short description of this person.

This will help you clearly describe and promote your business to the right groups of people who are most likely to buy your products or services.

Takeaways for Questions Entrepreneurs Should Ask Themselves

There are lots of questions you will ask yourself before and after you open your business. Ask yourself these three important questions first:

1. Why do I want to begin a business?

2. How much time do I have to run a business?

3. Who is the perfect customer for my business?

Answering these three questions can help you prepare and become a successful entreprenuer.

Photo by Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash