You have a great product or service that you want to share with the world. But your business, no matter how amazing it is, is not for everybody. And that’s okay.

That’s why you need to find out who is your ideal customer.

Knowing your ideal customer affects almost everything about your business and how you tell other people about it. That includes your product or service, marketing, and price. So, you won’t be marketing your business to everyone.

Now, you might be thinking, “But doesn’t this make me seem kinda like a snob? I don’t want to leave people out.”

No, you’re not snob. You’re just being focused. And focusing on the kind of people who are most likely to buy from you boosts your chance of running a successful business.

So, be sure to take some time to think about what kind(s) of people would be perfect customers for your business.

Four Powerful Questions to Find Your Ideal Customer 

  1. What makes your customer sad, angry or frustrated?

Empathy is everything. If you understand a problem your customer is facing, you can create a product or a service that helps that specific problem.

  1. What are their goals, hopes or dreams?

We all have hope that things can get better, even if we’re facing a really big problem. If you know your customer’s goals and hopes, you can show them how your service or product will help them meet these goals.

  1. How does your customer get info?

Find out where your customer goes for information. Do they go to Google? Do they visit social media sites like Facebook? Do they check out certain blogs or websites?

  1. How does your customer talk?

How does your customer like to connect with other people? Do they text? Chat? Email? Tweet?

This information will tell you the best ways to contact your current customers and possible future customers about your product or service. Customers like to buy from businesses where they feel like the person (or people) running the business, “gets” them and is talking directly to them.

Your Next Steps

 After you answer these questions, write or type some notes describing your perfect customer. Give the customer a name. You can also come up with more things about your customer, such as their age range (teens, 20s, 30s, etc.), gender, what they do for fun, their fave brands, fave places to shop, and more.

The end result?

You get better ideas of where and how to find your perfect customers who will love your product or service and will be happy to pay for it!

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash