Podcasts are an easy and accessible way to learn from others and to be introduced to new concepts.  A 2020 report by Oberlo listed 850,000 active podcasts and more than 30 million episodes.

Can podcasts help you in your business? Read below for some podcasts about young people and/or produced by young people that may be worth checking out.

Young Trep. Hosted by Benjamin Wong, a 14-year-old entrepreneur who interviews others about their endeavors in business.  Listen to the episode “Coderbunnyz” with Samaira Mehta, creator of a board game that introduces players to 13 basic concepts of coding.  She recounts her introduction to coding, how she began learning to code, and the mistake of wanting to shortcut her learning.  After some frustration, her father told Samaira, “You have to start at the beginning to learn to master any skill.”  She encourages others learning to code to start with the basics and work your way up to build on the skills learned.  She also mentions how she enjoys disproving the ‘coder’ stereotype and encourages others to do the same, but found that many of her friends were intimidated by, and others bored by, the idea of coding.  Thus, she created the board game Coderbunnyz to engage her friends, and turned it into a business to help others learn in a fun and non-intimidating way.  

Student Built Startups. Hosted by Kameron Stone who interviews students about their businesses.  Listen to the episode “Developing a Product that Truly Solves a Problem” to hear how guest Spencer Pauly started originally solving problems for fellow Minecraft players.  He has since developed the SkiWise app to alert cross-country skiers of trail conditions.  He didn’t begin the app to post ski conditions, however.  Learn what he thought the app would accomplish, what he concluded that people actually wanted, and how he pivoted along the way.  Listen to his advice on weekly goals as well and how to learn from user feedback.  He describes various mistakes along the way, and how too many marketing channels was a setback for him.

All of Your Beezwax. Hosted by Keoni Flynn and his dad, Pat, this 2018 podcast covers business and life lessons from multiple perspectives.  Though not from the most recent years, “All of Your Beezwax” has plenty of relevant material to help young entrepreneurs.  Listen to the episode “Pitch Day,” in which Keoni and Pat discuss a school pitch project that Keoni and his classmates are about to have.  Keoni has a  product that he’s pitching, and Pat asks why prototyping is better than going straight to manufacturing.  Keoni answers, “Don’t waste money or time.  Get feedback.”   Keoni’s dad helps him understand the financial path from investment, to manufacturing, to profit, then they circle to marketing.  Two lessons were mentioned with selling, giving listeners lots of nuggets for the budding entrepreneur.

Small Business, Big Mindset podcast.  This podcast covers businesses small and large with practical tips and tactics to help entrepreneurs.  Listen to episode 5, “Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship Star,” which features Madison Totaro.  Madison recounts her interest and start in baking and business, her experience on the show and challenges she experienced along the way, as well as her entrepreneurial journey and even what her daily routines for success entail.  She also describes how she managed her schoolwork so that she could keep up with her business outside of school.  

Techie Teen.  This podcast by Meryl van der Merwe covers tech topics for an audience of homeschooling families. It includes interviews with several dynamic young entrepreneurs in her series. Check out the episode “Techie Teen Anaya: App Creation.”  Anaya Murray has created an app called Safety U and is also a published author.  Hear about her influences, how her family has helped her along the way and what is next for this teen.

Or, instead of a podcast helping your business, the podcast can be your business. Check out our podcast business idea article.

Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash