So, what’s next? What trends should you look for next year?

Here are three things that could happen and affect many businesses in 2023:

1. The rise of the micro-influencer

You probably know about influencers or people with hundreds of thousands of social media followers. This group includes celebrities and people who have posted viral content. Now, more companies and social media users are connecting more with micro-influencers.

A micro-influencer is someone with a small but loyal social media following. This can include content creators with anywhere from 1,000 to 20,000 followers on one social media site (TikTok, YouTube, etc.)

Both large and small businesses are realizing they can have micro-influencers promote their products and services for less money compared to larger influencers. At the same time, more social media followers find smaller influencers to be more trustworthy than people with larger audiences.

This is great news for young entrepreneurs. If you’re a young small business owner, it may be more affordable than you think to have your favorite micro-influencer promote your product or service. Also, if your business is posting social media content, you can start earning marketing money (sometimes called affiliate marketing) sooner as a micro-influencer, especially after crossing 1,000 followers.

2. Easier ways to boost your online content/marketing

Listen to some business experts, and you will think that your business has to be on all social media sites. A better idea is to start with one type of online content, such as a podcast or a YouTube channel.

And now, you can multiply your content without multiplying the time it takes to create it. For example, more podcasters are doing video recordings of their episodes and posting those recordings on YouTube.

Some YouTubers are splitting up their videos into shorter video clips and sharing those clips on TikTok.

Those are just two examples of ways you can reach more people and different audiences with the words, audio, and video you’ve already used for your current content.

3. More young entrepreneurs in 2023

Did you know that you’re trending (so to speak)? In a survey published earlier this year, more than half of 1,000 teenagers ages 13 to 17 said they were more interested in starting their own business instead of working a traditional job.

Does this mean more competition for your business? Maybe, depending on your business’ industry.

But, this could also mean more chances for you to partner and collaborate with other young business owners who have services and products that can help your business.

Takeaways on Any Possible Trend in Entrepreneurship in 2023

The future seems uncertain. That said, it is clear that there are ood opportunities for young entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses.

Be on the lookout for:

  1. The rise of the micro-influencer
  2. Easier ways to share more online/social media content
  3. More young entrepreneurs

Have a happy and successful new year!

Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash