Learning about running a business can teach children great lessons about entrepreneurship – and much of the skills kids learn in entrepreneurship are transferable to other subject areas.

But how do you pick an entrepreneurial program for your classroom or home? Here are three important things to consider.

1. Project-Based Lessons

Students are used to learning the rules of the “game” when it comes to traditional learning (i.e: grammar rules, scientific theories, math formulas, etc.) An entrepreneurial program for students is different – a good program emphasizes finding solutions rather than mastering processes.

Teachers and parents should look for programs that require students to solve a problem – e.g., how to do market research or how to come up with a product or service that meets a need.

2. The student should become the teacher

Good programs should spark students’ creativity and critical thinking. Rather than master given rules, entrepreneurship programs should encourage students to pick up on patterns and best or most convenient ways of running a business – that way they can come up with their own rules. 

Students should be encouraged to compare their businesses to existing businesses so they can explain how theirs is different. The aim should be for students to build enough understanding about their businesses so that they can explain its advantages to potential customers.

3. Help your students reconsider how they see mistakes and changes.

Knowing when and how to learn from mistakes, make changes, and move on is an important part of entrepreneurship.  Programs should make room in your lessons for students to make small mistakes. 

Also, give them opportunities to learn from those mistakes and make changes based on the lessons they’re learning. 

Final Thoughts on Picking Entrepreneurial Programs

Learning about entrepreneurship can help all young people. Consider using these 3 strategies to pick an entrepreneurial program for your students.  Good programs should:

  1. Organize lessons into interactive projects.
  2. Encourage students’ independent thinking skills.
  3. Help students learn from small mistakes they might make while creating businesses.

Encouraging this way of thinking in your students prepares them to handle future challenges and take advantage of future opportunities.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


Are you a teacher or parent that wants to get started with teaching entrepreneurship to your students? Check out Business Innovation Journey, our entrepreneurship program